The project “A live map of Ingolstadt” is one of the two teams of the brigk HACKADON Vol. 3 that won the first prize. The initiator of the idea, Karim Jedda, took an everyday problem of his life in Ingolstadt as an opportunity to help other people find their way around the city. In return, he now receives a project-related prize money of € 2,000, one year of start-up coaching as well as a workplace in the brigk.

Karim Jedda signed up for the HACKADON to socialize with other hackers. Due to the Corona pandemic, the exchange with other developers in the Ingolstadt region missed out this year. In addition, the event offered him the opportunity to pursue his hobby of programming, which he has also made his profession.
The problem he dedicated himself to at the HACKADON is probably known to many people. The use of the bus network in Ingolstadt was a big challenge for the hacker, as he had to decode the complicated line map, find the desired streets and take further hurdles to reach his destination. So frustration quickly set in.
But Karim Jedda did not give up. Instead, he developed an interactive map of Ingolstadt during the third brigk HACKADON. This map shows the bus lines with their stops, travel times and possible delays. In addition, destinations can be specified that one would like to reach. The integration of certain places or buildings as well as the bus lines results in a visualization similar to the display of a GPS or navigation system. Users of the map can thus easily find the right way to reach their destination as quickly as possible by public transport.
It is also conceivable to expand the map and include additional locations that can be reached by bus. These could include, for example, current events in the Ingolstadt region, special offers from local retailers or certain tourist attractions. In this way, the map bundles information that would otherwise only be available in several media.
Die „live map of Ingolstadt“ erleichtert Nutzern der Karte das Leben in Ingolstadt deutlich. Zudem unterstützt die Integration The “live map of Ingolstadt” makes life in Ingolstadt much easier for users of the map. In addition, the integration of further information supports local companies and event organizers. This is why the project received the first prize of this year’s brigk HACKADON. In addition and in line with his initial expectations, Karim Jedda can look forward to new contacts in the Ingolstadt hacker and start-up scene.
We hope that the project develops well and will support him with a workplace in the brigk and a one-year coaching in the development of the idea. For the future we wish him all the best!

Digitales Gründerzentrum der Region Ingolstadt GmbH
Schloßlände 26
85049 Ingolstadt
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