What is special about coworking spaces and what advantages do coworkers have? These were the topics of the Zoom event “Coworking in Region 10: Lonely at your desk? Not with us!” last Thursday, June 10th, 2021, live from the state horticultural show in Ingolstadt.

The world of work is changing. New work forms of work such as coworking are experiencing an unbelievable boom across the globe. New and excellent opportunities for coworking are also opening up throughout Region 10. In addition to the old hands in the business, brigk in Ingolstadt, the otto – the creative space in Neuburg e.V., Echtland Coworking in Pfaffenhofen and soon also the Oaktown in Eichstätt, offer modern temporary workplaces. Last Thursday, June 10, 2021, a digital information event took place at the horticultural show Ingolstadt live from the region’s pavilion under the motto “Coworking in Region 10: Lonely at your desk? Not with us!”
The event was organized by the Initiative Regionalmanagement Region Ingolstadt (IRMA) e.V. with the aim of jointly advancing Region 10. The generation of profit is secondary. In addition to brigks managing director Dr. Franz Glatz, Thomas Hirsch and Carina Schöffner (Oaktown Office), Helge Heinemann (das otto) and Markus Käser (Echtland) the team of experts were complemented by Iris Eberl (IRMA e.V.). Thorsten Stark, head of the Neuburger Donaukurier editorial team, moderated the evening.
In his key note speech, Hannes Sander from CoWorkLand discussed why coworking has developed into a megatrend in recent years and why coworking spaces are springing up in many cities and also highlighted the special features and advantages of coworking. The interested Zoom participants got a glimpse behind the scenes through various live switches from the rooms of the coworking spaces. As different as the approaches of the providers are, all the experts represented were in agreement, that coworking creates a lot of space for creativity and innovative work and, in addition to this aspect, brings further advantages through the exchange with like-minded people, shared experiences and networks.
During the event, brigk not only acted as an expert for coworking in person for Managing Director Franz Glatz, but also ensured with its technical equipment and the necessary know-how that the event could be broadcast live on Zoom.

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